What is HANZI.IS
Hanzi, Chinese Characters.
HANZI.IS is a Chinese learning App that offers an interactive way to learn Chinese and the stories behind each Hanzi. The joyful experience helps you strengthen your understanding of the original meaning of the each hanzi, and how they develope it’s meaning today.
This demo is currently at the prototype stage. We have created an interactive Web App to demonstrate the interactive experience.
After the Demo, please fill out the survey to help us improve the experience!
* During this demo, we will log the flow records ANONYMOUSLY for the purpose of analysing the experience of the product. This demo DO NOT requires any of your personal data, and WILL NOT share any of data to anyone.
Try It OutAbout This Demo
This demo is going to walk you through the learning process in HANZI.IS App. We will be studying three Hanzis created based on human or human behavior. Here are the characters. You will learn all the versions of 人 throughout time. You will also assemble the oracle-bone scripts of the characters as if you are solving the jigsaw puzzle.


To Follow


人, person.
Initially, 人 was created based on the side view of a standing human. Through time, the shape of the characters transformed and simplified. Characters with 人 component are all related to human or human behavior.
Original Meaning:
to refer human.


Jin Writing System

Xiaozhuan Writing System

从, to follow.
In the ancient Chinese writing system, 从 looks like two people walking together, one after another.
Original Meaning:
To Follow.
Derived Meaning:
To Obey; To Be Engaged In; From.
Select the Component

Place the Component You Selected to the blocks blow.
Try to create the Oracle-Bone version of 从.

众(眾), Many (people or things).
In the Oracle-Bone Inscriptions, 众 looks like many people are working in the field under the sun. Through times and the change of society, the top part, the sun, transformed into an eye, representing the landlord surveilling their slaves. The stroke is simplified, and the Simplified Chinese System removed the eye on the top.
Original Meaning:
Masses of slaves.(Abandoned)
Derived Meaning:
A large number of people or things.
Select the Component

The Sun
Place the Component You Selected to the blocks blow.
Try to create the Oracle-Bone version of 从.
You have learned three Hanzis created based on human or human behaviors. I hope you enjoyed the experience.

To Follow


We hope you can take 5 mins to fill out the survey below to help us improve the experience of HANZI.IS so we can offer a much polished version in the future.
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